Birmingham Skydiving School

As soon as you've finished the USPA approved TLOs (Targeted Learning Objectives) related with skydiving academy, you'll be able to carry out the mandatory solo jumps for your A-licence and skydive at any establishment in the U.S. The following describes the two most refined educational programs offered for fresh students in the Birmingham vicinity.

Accelerated Freefall Level 1

Beginning with 6 thorough hours on the ground to offer you guidance on manipulating the canopy, landing methods, releasing your main parachute, arranging your body for proper arch in freefall, and sticking to aircraft exiting procedures. Two jump masters from a local USPA certified dropzone (skydive center) will be delegated to you and will ordinarily remain by your side throughout the opening stages. During the near 60-second time frame that you are in freefall, safeguards are considerably enhanced by direct in-air jump master supervision. Perhaps by radio or another mobile device, the instructors will land before you and walk you through the wind travel pattern and flare prior to landing.

Accelerated Freefall Level 2, 3, & 4

Once you start the second stage, your two skydiving instructors will stay with you for ninety-degree turns, as well as circle of awareness nearly every few seconds (CoA), an exit count, body arch maintenance, and correct pull routine.

The third step in your program will proceed to scan the Circle of Awareness and other basics during freefall, including the practice touch before a potentially moderately decreased elevation pull. As your Birmingham Skydiving Factory network jump masters conclude that you have certainly enhanced your abilities, your jump masters will release, but at all times be nearby your side; you'll now encounter the sense of acceleration on your first true solo journey.

Past the midway point in the initial seven skydives concerning your A-license, maneuvers start to get interesting. Heading control and turns will continue to be crucial, together with forward movement so that your coach recognizes that you're consistent; only one jump master will be reviewing your work.

Birmingham Skydiving School Level 5, 6, & 7

Once you've gotten to stage 5, you definitely will execute more controlled 360 degree swivels and forward movement; similar to the former level, you should only require one skydiving pro to advise your progression.

Level 6! At last! Not even simply the last one with a coach, but another and you'll have wrapped up the course and be on the way towards your A-license. Easily the most sophisticated skydiving maneuvers of the training course are figured out here; exhibiting delta tracking (moving across the sky), freefall flips and recovery from pre-planned unsteady body positions are extremely important skills to pick up in this level.

The last leg is the greatest! Bring all of it together for the final jump, and make it happen without any skydiving instructor (just like each person at one of the Birmingham area skydiving schools does it). It might just even be compulsory at the instructor or school's discretion, but it's always well worth the memory to have a video of this jump. Do 18 additional jumps (out of 25 necessitated, and you should be ready to make an application for your A-license!


Find out more relating to the 3 step Tandem skydiving in Birmingham introduction to the more advanced training program here.

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